Workshop Search
Workshop Title Workshop Description Workshop Area Workshop Times
Microsoft PowerPoint: Re-energize Your PowerPoints for Today's Students

Students today are used to getting their information from audio sources, such as podcasts, or videos found on social media. In a day and age where attention spans are dropping for all age groups, having a PowerPoint packed with text and bullet points just can’t get the information across that you need. In this workshop, we’ll go over a few ways that you can bring energy back to your PowerPoints using tools built into Microsoft PowerPoint.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • use the design feature to re-design slides.
  • insert icons and 3D images.
  • search for and use Creative Commons images.
  • embed YouTube videos directly into the presentation.
Workshop occurs in Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Office of Innovative Technologies There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
Microsoft PowerPoint: Tips & Tricks

Get some quick, fun tips and tricks for saving time and making your PowerPoint presentations more interesting.

Workshop occurs in Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Office of Innovative Technologies There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
Presentations: Best Practices for Presentations

Getting ready for a class or conference presentation? Get tips on the best practices for designing, delivering, and assessing audience members in your presentations. Though focused primarily on Microsoft PowerPoint, we'll also touch a bit on Google Slides and Microsoft Sway. We’ll give you tips on how to not use endless bullet points, find good-quality images, and how to organize your presentation to keep your audience awake and make them understand that you are the expert, not your slides.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • create and design more engaging presentations.
  • apply design techniques to make presentations more accessible.
  • practice techniques for delivering presentations online or in-person.
Workshop occurs in Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Office of Innovative Technologies There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.