Workshop Search
Workshop Title Workshop Description Workshop Area Workshop Times
Canvas: Analytics for Student Success Analytics can improve student success by providing insight into student learning behaviors. Faculty will learn how to assess the effectiveness of their online teaching methods, identify areas that need improvement, and identify at-risk students. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Applying the UTK Canvas Course Template This workshop/consultation session will assist you through the steps of applying the UTK Canvas Course Template to your Canvas courses. The template will ease your Canvas course design efforts and your students will appreciate the clear and consistent navigation the template offers. OIT Training There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
Canvas: Assignments and Grades This workshop will focus on the Canvas assignment tool faculty can use to track and/or improve student learning. Instructors will also learn the relationship between Canvas assignments and the grade book. We'll go beyond the nuts and bolts of assignment creation and management by learning about many best practices and helpful hints that can contribute toward a better, more efficient online experience for both you and your students. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Foundations: Getting Started This workshop provides a foundational overview of basic features and functionality available in Canvas that allows instructors to build and support engaging courses. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Getting Started with Canvas Studio This workshop will provide an overview of the Canvas Studio video platform - the next-generation online video learning platform. Canvas Studio integrates with Canvas and allows instructors to seamlessly create media interaction and active learning experiences in the online classroom. Learn how Canvas Studio can engage both students and instructors, provide insightful viewing analytics, generate captions, and turn video and audio content into conversation. All workshops are listed in Eastern Standard Time. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Organizing Course Sites Efficiently Instructors and designers can take this condensed half hour workshop to learn more about organizing their Canvas course sites to maximize efficiency and impact. Participants will learn more about course quota, the Modules-Files-Pages relationship, how to create a helpful Course Menu and Home Page for their Canvas course sites, and more. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Quizzes Canvas currently has two options for online assessment: Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. Join us in this workshop session to learn about how the two Quiz tools function, as well as their similarities and differences. Instructors will also learn about Akindi Importer, a tool that can assist in Quiz content creation. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Using Canvas Studio and Discussions as Video Response Tools Join us as we discuss how Canvas Studio and Discussions can work together as video response tools in the classroom. By the end of this workshop, instructors will learn how to upload media to Canvas Studio and embed it into a Discussions assignment. We will also look at a sample Discussion enhanced with video responses as well as resources to help you get started in your own Canvas course site. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: What's New in Online@UT What's New in Canvas - Join us for this half-hour workshop and explore the latest updates in Online@UT (Canvas). It is important to stay up to date as features and functionality get added, changed, or removed frequently in Canvas. Come learn new and upcoming enhancements inside the Canvas interface! OIT Training View Workshop Times
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Canvas: Accessibility Checking with UDOIT

In this course, learn how to use UDOIT (Universal Design Online Inspection Tool), a Canvas course accessibility checker, originally developed at the University of Central Florida. UDOIT is available in each Online@UT (Canvas) course.

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