OIT Training Research Workshop Descriptions (Summary)
Online Self-Paced Workshops
OIT Online Self-Paced Workshops are available in Canvas Catalog, our outreach learning platform.
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ArcGIS: Experience Builder Fundamentals

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Dive into the world of geospatial web development with our hands-on, introductory workshop on ArcGIS Experience Builder. Participants will learn the basics of Experience Builder by getting acquainted with the interface, tools, and various features of the platform. Participants will gain an understanding of how to navigate and customize it for individual projects. They will delve into the process of creating intuitive web applications and learn how to create and configure widgets, add pages or windows, apply templates. By the end of the workshop, participants will have the confidence and practical knowledge to start their own geospatial projects with ArcGIS Experience Builder. Please note that a basic understanding of GIS concepts will be beneficial but not mandatory for this workshop.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ArcGIS: Story Map Introduction

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Get introduced to this intuitive tool and learn to navigate its interface and understand its potential in storytelling. Create engaging narratives by integrating text, interactive maps, and other multimedia content to create compelling, data-driven narratives. Finally, learn to publish and share your story. By the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills to transform data into impactful narratives using ArcGIS StoryMaps. No previous GIS experience is necessary.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Mediated Regression Models with Categorical Variables (Special Topic)

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The presence of categorical dependent or mediator variables in a regression model can pose challenges to calculating indirect effects and percent mediation. Some legs of the mediation triangle are calculated using logistic regression while other legs are calculated using ordinary least squares regression. Because the legs are calculated using different algorithms they cannot simply be multiplied together to calculate the indirect (mediation) effect. A way to overcome this challenge is to use a causal mediation procedure such as the SAS CAUSALMED Procedure.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
NVivo for Literature Reviews

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NVivo is a qualitative data-analysis package used to organize and analyze resources used in qualitative research. NVivo allows researchers to analyze documents, electronic web surveys, audio and video files, images, database tables, web pages, and social media content in one platform. This workshop will provide an overview of the software and how to perform literature reviews. The interface and features are demonstrated, along with examples of research projects utilizing the software. This workshop covers using NVivo to apply themes, codes, and attributes to categorize and label your data; searching and filtering your data by keywords, queries, or criteria; visualizing and mapping your data to identify patterns, connections, and gaps; and generating reports and summaries to communicate your findings. Participants will also understand the potential of NVivo as a tool for organizing, questioning, visualizing, and reporting qualitative research data.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
NVivo: Fundamentals for Mac

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NVivo is a qualitative data-analysis package used to organize and analyze resources used in qualitative research. NVivo allows researchers to analyze documents, electronic web surveys, audio and video files, images, database tables, web pages, and social media content in one platform. This two-hour workshop is designed to provide an overview of the NVivo software and the essential skills required to use it on a Mac device. The workshop will provide NVivo Mac users with an overview of how to: 1) import Word docs, PDFs, audio, video, and images into NVivo; 2) organize codes, code text, and create codes; 3) apply coding stripes and highlights; 4) use cases with classification and attributes; 5) create memos and link them to files; 6) explore myriad query options including, word frequency and text search queries; 7) apply codes to queries; and 8) illustrate with visualizations such as mind maps and comparison diagrams. To effectively participate in this training, you will need access to the latest version of NVivo for macOS. To download the latest version of NVivo Mac, visit https://oit.utk.edu/software-hardware/software/.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Analyzing Multilevel Regression Models with SAS and Mplus

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Multilevel regression models are models in which the experimental units are nested within larger groupings such as students within classrooms or workers within factories. Both the individual experimental unit (student) and the higher-level grouping variable (classroom) can contribute unique variance to the variables in the regression and the relationship between them. The workshop will work through a simple two-level model using two popular statistical packages, the SAS 'Mixed' procedure and the Mplus 'Two level Random' analysis. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Basic Statistical Concepts

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Basic statistical concepts are fundamental to understanding more in-depth analysis that are typically performed when conducting quantitative research. This workshop discusses the contribution of statistics to the scientific method and provides an overview of the statistical methods associated with basic data analysis. Topics include basic statistical concepts, developing a research hypothesis, the importance of statistical power, an explanation of basic statistical tests, and guidelines on how to present research results. An example is provided of a past research project in veterinary medicine. This workshop takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Data Visualization: Best Practices

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The same data visualization could be good or bad depending on the point you’re trying to make. We will briefly discuss your options of using words and tables, then we will focus a variety of graphical displays, showing when each works best. Several different plot types are discussed including histograms, bar charts, dot plots, pie charts, line charts, box plots, and scatter plots with various types of fit lines. This presentation takes approximately 1 hour to complete. This workshop is optionally followed by R: Data Visualization which shows how to make the graphs discussed in this workshop.

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Students will learn the basics of using the JMP interface to accomplish the following tasks: Manage data effectively; Explore data by using the software's extensive graphical capabilities; Create and manage data summary reports in JMP; Conduct basic data analysis; Find help and learning resources. Hands on tutorials will be conducted throughout the session and prior preliminary knowledge of JMP is not required. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: JMP: Introduction to Design of Experiments

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Design of experiments (DOE) is the design of a process aimed to describe and explain sources of variability to improve product and process development. In simpler terms, experimentation is used to determine causation. This workshop begins with an overview of basic statistical concepts, the scientific method, and the statistical contributions to the scientific method. A simple example is used to walk through the scientific method while demonstrating statistical thinking, methodology and analysis. Basic principles of DOE are then covered leading into specific types of designs. Completely Randomized Designs (CRD) and Randomized Complete Block Designs (RCBD) are introduced. The workshop ends with the development of these designs built in JMP software. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Mediated Multilevel Regression Models

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A mediated regression is one in which the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is partially or totally due to the action of a third intervening variable. In this workshop we will extend the idea of mediated regression to multilevel models, models made up of variables from more than one level of aggregation, e.g. students within classrooms, etc. A working knowledge of basic mediated regression and multilevel modeling is desirable. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Mediator and Moderator Regression

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Mediator and moderator variables are terms in a regression model which intervene between the independent and dependent variables and alter the relationship between them. This workshop will explain the difference between mediation and moderation effects and show how to model and assess them. Examples will use both traditional statistical software and structural equation modeling software. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Moderated Mediation Regression Models

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In a mediated regression model the relationship between the dependent and independent variables is at least partially the result of the intervention of a third variable, the mediator. In moderated mediation this mediation effect is in turn influenced by the value of yet another variable, the moderator. This workshop will cover how to run a moderated mediation model in several popular software packages and how to interpret the results. This will include a discussion of, and SAS and Mplus code for, the Johnson-Neyman technique for determining the range of moderator values for which the mediation is and is not statistically significant. A basic understanding of linear regression as well as the concepts of mediation and moderation will be assumed. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Moderated Regression Using Multi-group Analysis in Amos

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A moderated regression is one in which the relationship between a predictor and the dependent variable is altered (moderated) by the value of a third variable, called the moderator. In this 10-minute video we will discuss how to use the multi-group analysis feature of the Amos structural equation modeling software to assess the statistical significance of the moderation effect of a categorical moderator variable.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: NVivo: Fundamentals

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NVivo is a qualitative data-analysis package used to organize and analyze resources used in qualitative research. NVivo allows researchers to analyze documents, electronic web surveys, audio and video files, images, database tables, web pages, and social media content in one platform. This workshop will provide an overview of the software. The interface and features are demonstrated, along with examples of research projects utilizing the software. Participants will import and organize data in NVivo, add research notes and annotations, and code qualitative data in a variety of ways. Participants will also understand the potential of NVivo as a tool for organizing, questioning, visualizing, and reporting qualitative research data.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Python: Basics

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In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to use the Python programming language to create a python variable-number, string, list, dictionary, and tuple; how to create Python functions, condition statements and iteration; how to install a python package; how to manage your files and workspace; how to read comma-separated data files; how to create plots using Seaborn package. This workshop takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete.

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In this hands-on previously recorded Zoom workshop you will learn to use the R programming language to create vectors, factors, and data frames; Manage your files and workspace; Control R functions; Read comma-separated data files; Select variables and observations; Create plots and perform basic statistical analyses. This workshop takes approximately 2 hours to complete.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: R: Data Visualization

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R’s ggplot2 package lets you visualize data and easily make complex graphs. In this hands-on previously recorded Zoom workshop you will learn the grammar of graphics approach and create a wide range of graphs including histograms, bar charts, dot plots, pie charts, line charts, QQ plots, box plots, and scatter plots with various types of fit lines. You will also learn how to easily create graphs divided up by groups and mosaic combinations. This workshop takes approximately 2 hours to complete. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R: Basics workshop.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: R: Machine Learning

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In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to use R to discover useful patterns in your data and to make accurate predictions. Topics will include data preparation, automated variable selection, cross-validation methods, model tuning, and several popular modeling approaches including decision trees, random forests, gradient boosting machines, and neural networks. We will use the popular tidymodels package which integrates the various steps and standardizes them across many modeling methods. This workshop takes approximately 8 hours to complete. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R: Basics workshop.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.

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In this hands-on previously recorded Zoom workshop you will learn how to blend your research writing, programming, and output into a single word processing style document using the R Markdown language in RStudio. This style of work is known as Reproducible Research since every phase of the analysis can be recreated by “knitting” a single document. The output document can be HTML with an interactive table of contents, or Word or PDF formats. While we will be using it with the R language, Markdown commands apply to many other languages such as Python and SAS. This workshop takes approximately 2 hours to complete. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R: R: Basics workshop.

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R This is a researcher focused workshop.

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In this hands-on previously recorded zoom workshop, you will learn to program common statistical analysis including frequency tables, descriptive statistics, chi-square, correlation, linear regression, t-tests, and analysis of variance with posthoc tests. This workshop takes approximately 2 hours to complete. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R: Basics workshop.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Research Computing Support Overview of Services

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In this brief previously recorded 30-minute presentation, we will discuss the various software and services that Research Computing Support offers Students, Faculty, and Staff members. We cover how RCS provides assistance with analyzing data via statistical consulting, qualitative analysis, GIS support, content analysis, and data mining. This includes how we can help with: Designing studies, experiments, and determining sample size; Create, deploy, and analyze web survey data; Provide co-authorship, and several other research related topics. In addition, we discuss the research software available on campus and how to get assistance.

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SAS is one of the most popular software packages for data analysis and visualization. The SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) Graphics procedures SGPLOT, SGPANEL, and SGSCATTER are powerful but easy to use tools for creating publication quality graphs and charts from your empirical data. This workshop is geared towards researchers who require publication quality graphics along with a working knowledge of the SAS software package. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the SAS: Programming Basics workshop. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

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Qualtrics: Basics

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In this introductory workshop, you will learn how to create and deploy a web-based survey using Qualtrics. Basic question construction (single and multiple response questions, grid/matrix tables for Likert questions, text questions) will be covered, as well as how to add Display and Skip Logic, which allows the respondent to skip questions that do not pertain to them, thereby shortening their response time. An overview of the reporting tools, how to export data as an SPSS dataset and an overview of best practices for collecting online data will also be presented.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
R: Basics

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In this hands-on workshop you will learn to use the R programming language to create vectors, factors, and data frames; how to manage your files and workspace; how to control R functions; how to read comma-separated data files; how to select variables and observations; how to create plots, and how to perform basic statistical analyses.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
R: Markdown

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In this hands-on Zoom workshop, you will learn how to blend your research writing, programming, and output into a single word processing style document using the R Markdown language in RStudio. This style of work is known as Reproducible Research since every phase of the analysis can be recreated by “knitting” a single document. The output document can be HTML with an interactive table of contents, or Word or PDF formats. While we will be using it with the R language, Markdown commands apply to many other languages such as Python and SAS. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R-Basics workshop. It takes approximately 2 hours to complete this workshop.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
R: Statistics

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In this hands-on Zoom workshop, you will learn to program common statistical analysis including frequency tables, descriptive statistics, chi-square, correlation, linear regression, t-tests and analysis of variance with post-hoc tests. A course in statistics or prior data analysis experience is recommended. Recommended prerequisites for this course include the R-Basics and R-Markdown workshops. It takes approximately 2 hours to complete this workshop.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research Special Topic: Inter-Rater Reliability for Observational Data

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When working with objective measurements or ratings, it is prudent to test the reliability of these measurements. To measure inter-rater reliability (IRR) two or more researchers rate the same observational unit and then inter-rater reliability (IRR) is used to measure consistency of observational ratings provided by the raters. The type of rating (categorical, ordinal, scale) and number of raters will determine the appropriate type of inter-rater reliability analysis. This workshop will focus on different methods of measuring IRR, including percent agreement, Cohen’s Kappa, Fleiss’s Kappa, Gwet’s AC2 and intra-class correlations (ICC).

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research Special Topic: Introduction to Design of Experiments with JMP

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This workshop introduces basic statistical concepts as an introduction to experimental design, specifically focusing on engineering applications. After a review of a simple example, we will dive deeper into key principles for designing and planning an experiment.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research Special Topic: Mixed Model Analysis in JMP Pro

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Linear mixed model is a power tool to make accurate and precise inferences about correlated observations in designed experiments. JMP is a suite of computer programs for statistical analysis and data visualization developed by the JMP business unit of SAS Institute. JMP integrates statistics with dynamic graphics and is an ideal environment within which to learn and apply mixed models. This workshop is designed to demo in JMP pro how to analyze common mixed models such as randomized block, split-plot, and repeated measures designs, how to appropriately set up and interpret fixed and random effects, how to simulate mixed models to assess power, and other important sampling characteristics. Hands on tutorials will be conducted throughout the session. Prior preliminary knowledge of JMP pro is not required.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research Special Topic: NVivo - Visualizing Qualitative Data

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In this workshop, participants will become familiar with NVivo and discover the robust functionalities of NVivo for qualitative and mixed method analysis. Participants will learn how to utilize NVivo's visualization tools to create models, charts, and graphs to bring qualitative data to life. Finally, participants will learn how to share findings utilizing NVivo's rich visual outputs. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with the necessary skills to use NVivo for visualizing and analyzing qualitative data, allowing users to draw and communicate insights effectively. No prior experience with NVivo is required.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research Special Topic: Ordinal Models in SPSS

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This workshop will present regression models for ordinal data. Participants will learn the essentials of ordinal regression. We will discuss inclusion of covariates, interaction effects, and interpretation of results. Participants will learn how to fit semiparametric transformation models to continuous data using ordinal regression models. All methods will be illustrated using STATA statistical software.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research Special Topic: R Quarto (Special Topic)

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In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to blend your research writing, programming, and output into a single word processing style document using the R Quarto language in RStudio. This style of work is known as Reproducible Research since every phase of the analysis can be recreated by rendering a single document. The output document can be produced in HTML, Word, and PDF formats. While we will be using it with the R language, Quarto commands apply to many other languages such as Python and Julia. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R-Basics workshop. It takes approximately 2 hours to complete this workshop.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research Special Topic: Sky High Mapping - An Introductory Workshop on Drone2Map for ArcGIS

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Drone2Map for ArcGIS is a desktop app that turns raw still imagery from drones into valuable information products in ArcGIS. In this workshop, participants will be guided on how to make the most out of this tool. Participants will explore the Drone2Map interface and become familiar with the features. Participants will learn how to navigate effectively within the application. Participants will gain hands-on experience in processing raw drone-captured imagery into usable formats. Finally, participants will understand how to seamlessly integrate outputs with the ArcGIS platform for further geospatial analysis and sharing. By the end of this workshop, participants will have the foundational skills to effectively use Drone2Map for creating professional-quality imagery products from drone-captured photos. No prior experience with Drone2Map or ArcGIS is required.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research Special Topic: SQL introduction using MySQL

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In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to use MySQL to create a database that allows you to build many tables to store and manipulate data, like insert, select, update, and delete data. You will also learn SQL syntax, table joins/merging, create MySQL database views and virtual tables, and generate reports from the data. Installation of MySQL 8.0 before the workshop is required.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
Research: Mediator and Moderator Regression

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Mediator and moderator variables are terms in a regression model which intervene between the independent and dependent variables and alter the relationship between them. This workshop will explain the difference between mediation and moderation effects and show how to model and assess them. Examples will use both traditional statistical software and structural equation modeling software.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
SAS: ODS Graphics

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SAS is one of the most popular data analysis and visualization software packages. The SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) Graphics procedures SGPLOT, SGPANEL, and SGSCATTER are powerful yet easy-to-use tools for creating publication-quality graphs and charts from your empirical data. This workshop is geared towards researchers requiring publication-quality graphics with a working knowledge of the SAS software package. A recommended prerequisite for this workshop is the SAS: Basics workshop.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
SAS: Programming Basics

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SAS is one of the most popular software packages for data analysis and visualization. It is a powerful tool that enables programmers to perform various tasks including information retrieval, data management, report writing and graphics, statistical analysis, and data mining. This workshop provides instruction on how to program effectively using SAS and understand basic concepts about SAS programs.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.
SPSS: Basics

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SPSS is a popular package for data analysis and graphics. This hands-on workshop takes you from starting the package through data coding, entry and cleanup, creating new variables, how to get output for different groups, how to request an analysis or a graph, manipulating the output, and where you can learn more.

R This is a researcher focused workshop.