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Online Course Development | Summer Course
In this facilitated, asynchronous course, we explore strategies and tools to develop a robust Canvas course to engage and support students in their online learning experience. This course lasts two weeks. Digital Learning Workshop Registration There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
Canvas Catalog Canvas Catalog is an outreach platform for non-credit/non-degree related purposes. Colleges or units may use Catalog to offer professional development, public outreach, or other certificate-based courses. Catalog extends access to those outside of the university community. Catalog offerings can be fee-based using a special payment gateway, or they can be offered at discounts based on special promotional codes, or at no additional cost to the participant. Customized certificates are available to users upon completion of activities. Catalog is a separate instance of Canvas and is the only avenue to provide external users to a Canvas-based course. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Analytics for Student Success Analytics can improve student success by providing insight into student learning behaviors. Faculty will learn how to assess the effectiveness of their online teaching methods, identify areas that need improvement, and identify at-risk students. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Applying the UTK Canvas Course Template This workshop/consultation session will assist you through the steps of applying the UTK Canvas Course Template to your Canvas courses. The template will ease your Canvas course design efforts and your students will appreciate the clear and consistent navigation the template offers. OIT Training There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
Canvas: Assignments and Grades This workshop will focus on the Canvas assignment tool faculty can use to track and/or improve student learning. Instructors will also learn the relationship between Canvas assignments and the grade book. We'll go beyond the nuts and bolts of assignment creation and management by learning about many best practices and helpful hints that can contribute toward a better, more efficient online experience for both you and your students. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Foundations: Getting Started This workshop provides a foundational overview of basic features and functionality available in Canvas that allows instructors to build and support engaging courses. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Getting Started with Canvas Studio This workshop will provide an overview of the Canvas Studio video platform - the next-generation online video learning platform. Canvas Studio integrates with Canvas and allows instructors to seamlessly create media interaction and active learning experiences in the online classroom. Learn how Canvas Studio can engage both students and instructors, provide insightful viewing analytics, generate captions, and turn video and audio content into conversation. All workshops are listed in Eastern Standard Time. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Organizing Course Sites Efficiently Instructors and designers can take this condensed half hour workshop to learn more about organizing their Canvas course sites to maximize efficiency and impact. Participants will learn more about course quota, the Modules-Files-Pages relationship, how to create a helpful Course Menu and Home Page for their Canvas course sites, and more. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Quizzes Canvas currently has two options for online assessment: Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. Join us in this workshop session to learn about how the two Quiz tools function, as well as their similarities and differences. Instructors will also learn about Akindi Importer, a tool that can assist in Quiz content creation. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: Using Canvas Studio and Discussions as Video Response Tools Join us as we discuss how Canvas Studio and Discussions can work together as video response tools in the classroom. By the end of this workshop, instructors will learn how to upload media to Canvas Studio and embed it into a Discussions assignment. We will also look at a sample Discussion enhanced with video responses as well as resources to help you get started in your own Canvas course site. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Canvas: What's New in Online@UT What's New in Canvas - Join us for this half-hour workshop and explore the latest updates in Online@UT (Canvas). It is important to stay up to date as features and functionality get added, changed, or removed frequently in Canvas. Come learn new and upcoming enhancements inside the Canvas interface! OIT Training View Workshop Times
Digital Learning Week | Inscribe Demo Are you looking for ways to increase connection and sense of belonging in the online classroom? Come learn about InScribe, a tool that can plug into Canvas and can take the standard message board to new levels.

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Digital Learning Week There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
Inclusive Teaching Certificate Reflect and Recap Open to all participants who have completed the Inclusive Teaching Certificate on Canvas This session provides an opportunity for participants to reflect and recap their learning experience for the Inclusive Teaching Certificate Program. Additionally, participants would be able to share the inclusive teaching strategies they have used in the Fall semester and how those teaching practices played out in their classroom. This session would provide an opportunity for faculty from different disciplines to learn from one another and support each other to advance inclusive teaching efforts. TLI Workshop Registration There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Accessible Learning Materials & Tools

Designing for accessibility is the process of proactively creating materials that are usable by the full range of potential end users. This often means making sure that materials and communications can be accessed, perceived, used, and understood by people who use different interfaces or tools, and/or who have relevant disabilities. Designing for accessibility almost always benefits many people including those who do not have relevant disabilities.

Here at the University of Tennessee, our policy is to ensure that all learning materials are accessible. This course introduces best practices that you can begin applying immediately to ensure accessibility and usability of learning materials and communications.

You will learn how to:

  • create accessible documents and PowerPoint presentations
  • identify tools and resources for closed captioning
  • use the Read&Write software, for which UT Knoxville has a site license
  • .
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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Analyzing Multilevel Regression Models with SAS and Mplus

Multilevel regression models are models in which the experimental units are nested within larger groupings such as students within classrooms or workers within factories. Both the individual experimental unit (student) and the higher-level grouping variable (classroom) can contribute unique variance to the variables in the regression and the relationship between them. The workshop will work through a simple two-level model using two popular statistical packages, the SAS 'Mixed' procedure and the Mplus 'Two level Random' analysis. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Basic Statistical Concepts

Basic statistical concepts are fundamental to understanding more in-depth analysis that are typically performed when conducting quantitative research. This workshop discusses the contribution of statistics to the scientific method and provides an overview of the statistical methods associated with basic data analysis. Topics include basic statistical concepts, developing a research hypothesis, the importance of statistical power, an explanation of basic statistical tests, and guidelines on how to present research results. An example is provided of a past research project in veterinary medicine. This workshop takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Best Practices for Online Assessment

Putting your final exam online? Need ideas for how to assess learner progress in Canvas? This is a one-stop location for asynchronous, self-paced training related to designing and delivering effective tests and assessments online. Topics include pedagogy and design, using Canvas to construct tests and assessments, and facilitating feedback effectively.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Canvas Folio: Digital Tool for Assessment and Student Career Prep

This self-paced training resource introduces you to the Canvas Folio (Portfolium) Network, that can be accessed in Online@UT (Canvas), and provides you with materials to get you started building your Folio.

You will learn how to:

  • navigate a Canvas Folio
  • customize a Folio profile
  • build and promote a Folio
  • network using a Folio
  • access resources to help you build your portfolio.
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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Canvas Training for Faculty

This self-paced Canvas Training workshop aims to equip instructors and staff with Canvas' need-to-know tools and features, so they are better prepared to jump-start their course design and delivery at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Participants who complete this workshop will be able to:

  • Identify and apply options for organizing course content via the homepage, modules, and course navigation.
  • Create course-related activities using assignments, discussions, and quizzes.
  • Identify assessment options using the SpeedGrader and Grading tools.
  • Recognize ways to manage enrollment and online instructor presence using the messaging system (inbox), user settings (including profile and notification preferences), and groups.
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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Canvas Training for Students

A self-paced, asynchronous workshop for UTK students to learn about Canvas and get comfortable with its environment. The workshop provides essential training to students new to Canvas, students needing a Canvas refresher, or students wishing to stay updated with Canvas changes.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Canvas: Accessibility Checking with UDOIT

In this course, learn how to use UDOIT (Universal Design Online Inspection Tool), a Canvas course accessibility checker, originally developed at the University of Central Florida. UDOIT is available in each Online@UT (Canvas) course.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Clicker Self-Service Training Resource

This resource will equip you with the tools and knowledge to pose response-driven questions in real-time during your course instruction. You can use PointSolutions to ask and receive responses in face-to-face or online classes. This response system also allows you to sync the responses to Canvas for class participation scores or quizzes.

Using this resource will help you to:

  • Set up your Canvas course for using clickers (or mobile responses)
  • Create questions in PowerPoint using PointSolutions
  • Create Anywhere Polling (including Ad Hoc questions or planned questions using a web interface)
  • Create self-paced quizzes (participants answer at their own pace) or scheduled quizzes
  • Sync grades to Canvas.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Data Visualization: Best Practices

The same data visualization could be good or bad depending on the point you’re trying to make. We will briefly discuss your options of using words and tables, then we will focus a variety of graphical displays, showing when each works best. Several different plot types are discussed including histograms, bar charts, dot plots, pie charts, line charts, box plots, and scatter plots with various types of fit lines. This presentation takes approximately 1 hour to complete. This workshop is optionally followed by R: Data Visualization which shows how to make the graphs discussed in this workshop.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Excel Tips and Tricks for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Learn about Excel’s features that will help you optimize your use of Excel. This course contains information, including the VLookup function, Pivot tables, flash filling, creating tables, basic formatting, and other Excel features.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Getting Started in OneNote

OneNote is a Microsoft application designed for taking notes and gathering information on any device. In this self-paced course, you will learn how to use OneNote to take notes more efficiently, collaborate on note taking, and more. We will dive into how to set up OneNote for your specific use, as well as give you the necessary steps for continued use of the program. This course will also give you tips and best practices.

You will learn how to:

  • create and organize notes in OneNote
  • export and share notes
  • collaborate asynchronously and in real time
  • work with tables in OneNote
  • add media objects, such as audio recordings and video, and Excel files to notes
  • integrate OneNote with other Microsoft apps.
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Students will learn the basics of using the JMP interface to accomplish the following tasks: Manage data effectively; Explore data by using the software's extensive graphical capabilities; Create and manage data summary reports in JMP; Conduct basic data analysis; Find help and learning resources. Hands on tutorials will be conducted throughout the session and prior preliminary knowledge of JMP is not required. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: JMP: Introduction to Design of Experiments

Design of experiments (DOE) is the design of a process aimed to describe and explain sources of variability to improve product and process development. In simpler terms, experimentation is used to determine causation. This workshop begins with an overview of basic statistical concepts, the scientific method, and the statistical contributions to the scientific method. A simple example is used to walk through the scientific method while demonstrating statistical thinking, methodology and analysis. Basic principles of DOE are then covered leading into specific types of designs. Completely Randomized Designs (CRD) and Randomized Complete Block Designs (RCBD) are introduced. The workshop ends with the development of these designs built in JMP software. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Materia: Engage Students with Interactive Course Widgets

Materia is a learning tool, available in Online@UT (Canvas), that allows you to easily embed engaging learning activities into your online courses. Materia learning apps, called widgets, can bring life to content modules, practice, study activities, and even assessments. Learn how to enable and use Materia in your Canvas course.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Mediated Multilevel Regression Models

A mediated regression is one in which the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is partially or totally due to the action of a third intervening variable. In this workshop we will extend the idea of mediated regression to multilevel models, models made up of variables from more than one level of aggregation, e.g. students within classrooms, etc. A working knowledge of basic mediated regression and multilevel modeling is desirable. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Mediator and Moderator Regression

Mediator and moderator variables are terms in a regression model which intervene between the independent and dependent variables and alter the relationship between them. This workshop will explain the difference between mediation and moderation effects and show how to model and assess them. Examples will use both traditional statistical software and structural equation modeling software. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Microsoft Sway for Presentations

In this hands-on introduction to Microsoft Sway, an app in Microsoft 365, we will explore what Sway is and how to create fun and exciting presentations and automatically scrolling kiosk-style presentations using features like embedding images, tweets, video, audio, and more.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Moderated Mediation Regression Models

In a mediated regression model the relationship between the dependent and independent variables is at least partially the result of the intervention of a third variable, the mediator. In moderated mediation this mediation effect is in turn influenced by the value of yet another variable, the moderator. This workshop will cover how to run a moderated mediation model in several popular software packages and how to interpret the results. This will include a discussion of, and SAS and Mplus code for, the Johnson-Neyman technique for determining the range of moderator values for which the mediation is and is not statistically significant. A basic understanding of linear regression as well as the concepts of mediation and moderation will be assumed. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Moderated Regression Using Multi-group Analysis in Amos

A moderated regression is one in which the relationship between a predictor and the dependent variable is altered (moderated) by the value of a third variable, called the moderator. In this 10-minute video we will discuss how to use the multi-group analysis feature of the Amos structural equation modeling software to assess the statistical significance of the moderation effect of a categorical moderator variable.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: MS Word for Theses and Dissertations

In this course, you will explore how Microsoft Word can create different features for your writing and help you format your document. Please note that this course is not a comprehensive list of all of the requirements and guidelines for your thesis/dissertation, but rather a resource to help you structure your thesis/dissertation using Microsoft Word as a tool.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: NVivo: Fundamentals

NVivo is a qualitative data-analysis package used to organize and analyze resources used in qualitative research. NVivo allows researchers to analyze documents, electronic web surveys, audio and video files, images, database tables, web pages, and social media content in one platform. This workshop will provide an overview of the software. The interface and features are demonstrated, along with examples of research projects utilizing the software. Participants will import and organize data in NVivo, add research notes and annotations, and code qualitative data in a variety of ways. Participants will also understand the potential of NVivo as a tool for organizing, questioning, visualizing, and reporting qualitative research data.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: OER: Avoiding Copyright Issues With Open Educational Resources (OER)

In this course, you will learn how to use Open Educational Resources (OER) in your presentations and instructional content. OER are materials licensed for sharing by their creators.

After completing the course, you'll be able to:

  • Explain the Creative Commons licenses
  • Search for different types of OER, such as textbooks, instructional and learning materials, images, video, and audio
  • Identify resources and tools to modify and share OER
  • Properly attribute and license OER
  • Guide others in creating OER.
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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: PowerPoint: Creating a Memorable Presentation

In this PowerPoint course, you will learn how to build your presentation to best meet the needs of your audience. The course is broken into five sections: Introduction, Steps for a Successful Lecture, Tips and Tricks, Best Practices for Presentations, and Conclusion. We will dive into how to set up your presentation, as well as give you the necessary steps for creating your PowerPoint. This course will also give you tips and best practices for creating the best presentation possible in any program, not just PowerPoint.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: PowerPoint: Recording Your Lecture with PowerPoint

You have many tools available to you to record your lecture. Panopto and Zoom are powerful tools for recording your entire presentation, including other inputs such as document cameras and more. But if all you need is to record yourself delivering a PowerPoint lecture, you can record your lecture right from within PowerPoint.

Note: All instructions are for PowerPoint in Microsoft 365 Subscription (Mac) or Microsoft 365 Apps (Windows). Other versions of PowerPoint, including the volume license installed by OIT on university-owned computers, may not have all of the features discussed. You can not record narration in the web version of PowerPoint Online. You must use a desktop version of the software downloaded from Microsoft 365.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Python: Basics

In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to use the Python programming language to create a python variable-number, string, list, dictionary, and tuple; how to create Python functions, condition statements and iteration; how to install a python package; how to manage your files and workspace; how to read comma-separated data files; how to create plots using Seaborn package. This workshop takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete.

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In this hands-on previously recorded Zoom workshop you will learn to use the R programming language to create vectors, factors, and data frames; Manage your files and workspace; Control R functions; Read comma-separated data files; Select variables and observations; Create plots and perform basic statistical analyses. This workshop takes approximately 2 hours to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: R: Data Visualization

R’s ggplot2 package lets you visualize data and easily make complex graphs. In this hands-on previously recorded Zoom workshop you will learn the grammar of graphics approach and create a wide range of graphs including histograms, bar charts, dot plots, pie charts, line charts, QQ plots, box plots, and scatter plots with various types of fit lines. You will also learn how to easily create graphs divided up by groups and mosaic combinations. This workshop takes approximately 2 hours to complete. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R: Basics workshop.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: R: Machine Learning

In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to use R to discover useful patterns in your data and to make accurate predictions. Topics will include data preparation, automated variable selection, cross-validation methods, model tuning, and several popular modeling approaches including decision trees, random forests, gradient boosting machines, and neural networks. We will use the popular tidymodels package which integrates the various steps and standardizes them across many modeling methods. This workshop takes approximately 8 hours to complete. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R: Basics workshop.

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In this hands-on previously recorded Zoom workshop you will learn how to blend your research writing, programming, and output into a single word processing style document using the R Markdown language in RStudio. This style of work is known as Reproducible Research since every phase of the analysis can be recreated by “knitting” a single document. The output document can be HTML with an interactive table of contents, or Word or PDF formats. While we will be using it with the R language, Markdown commands apply to many other languages such as Python and SAS. This workshop takes approximately 2 hours to complete. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R: R: Basics workshop.

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In this hands-on previously recorded zoom workshop, you will learn to program common statistical analysis including frequency tables, descriptive statistics, chi-square, correlation, linear regression, t-tests, and analysis of variance with posthoc tests. This workshop takes approximately 2 hours to complete. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the R: Basics workshop.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Research Computing Support Overview of Services

In this brief previously recorded 30-minute presentation, we will discuss the various software and services that Research Computing Support offers Students, Faculty, and Staff members. We cover how RCS provides assistance with analyzing data via statistical consulting, qualitative analysis, GIS support, content analysis, and data mining. This includes how we can help with: Designing studies, experiments, and determining sample size; Create, deploy, and analyze web survey data; Provide co-authorship, and several other research related topics. In addition, we discuss the research software available on campus and how to get assistance.

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SAS is one of the most popular software packages for data analysis and visualization. The SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) Graphics procedures SGPLOT, SGPANEL, and SGSCATTER are powerful but easy to use tools for creating publication quality graphs and charts from your empirical data. This workshop is geared towards researchers who require publication quality graphics along with a working knowledge of the SAS software package. A recommended prerequisite for this course is the SAS: Programming Basics workshop. This workshop takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Secure Online Testing with Proctorio

Proctorio is an automated remote proctoring service that integrates with Online@UT (Canvas). Proctorio enables instructors to utilize machine learning and facial detection technology to remotely proctor online assessment to help protect the academic integrity of test-takers. This course provides resources for UTK instructors and students on the use of Proctorio in their Canvas courses.

Log in to Canvas with your NetID and Password to access this support site:
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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Teaching Online Reboot: Canvas & Zoom

If you are new to Canvas, this self-paced tutorial will get you quickly up and running by implementing the Preparing to Launch course template, available in Online@UT (Canvas), and you'll benefit from the detailed instructions found in this tutorial. If you are already an experienced Canvas user, this tutorial will help you dig a bit deeper into the capabilities of Canvas and Zoom and to refresh your skills.

In this tutorial you'll learn how to:

  • Create an inviting course Homepage.
  • Employ a course template designed by OIT to help structure your course site.
  • Upload course content to include recorded lectures, PowerPoints, links to external web resources and other materials.
  • Create assignments that are automatically linked to the gradebook and the course calendar and establish a standard method for students to submit assignments.
  • Create online assessments using the Canvas quiz tool, in which quiz questions and distractors can be randomized to create unique student attempts.
  • Deliver live lectures and conduct office hours online in Zoom.
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ONLINE, SELF-PACED: Visual Design for Instruction

If you would like to improve the visual design of your course, give students a boost in learning key concepts, or just find decent images without the copyright headache, this course is for you!

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Panopto: Manage, Host, and Assign Videos within Canvas This workshop will cover practical techniques for uploading and managing Panopto content within Canvas. Panopto is fully integrated with Canvas allowing instructors to share content to their Canvas course without leaving the course site. Learn how to add Panopto video content to your course using the external tools and text editor functions inside of Canvas. Integrate videos within the assignments function in Canvas to allow students to submit their own Panopto videos for feedback and grades. OIT Training View Workshop Times
Spring UT CIRTL Seminar Series: Facilitating Undergraduate Evidenced-Based Learning This 6-module seminar prepares graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to effectively teach at the undergraduate-level. Modules will introduce participants to evidence-based teaching strategies, learning communities, teaching as research, and learning through diversity. Readings, reflections, and group discussions will support participants in the creation of lesson plans and teaching philosophy statements. Students are required to attend all 6-modules: February 1, 8, 15, 22, and March 1 and 8. Graduates will earn Associate-level Certification in the CIRTL network at the completion of this seminar. The seminar will be delivered synchronously and asynchronously using Zoom and Canvas. Once registered, the facilitators will send you Canvas and Zoom details. By registering, you are agreeing to participate in each session of the seminar series. Find more information on TLI Workshop Registration There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
Spring UT CIRTL Seminar Series: Facilitating Undergraduate Evidenced-Based Learning This 6-module seminar prepares graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to effectively teach at the undergraduate-level. Modules will introduce participants to evidence-based teaching strategies, learning communities, teaching as research, and learning through diversity. Readings, reflections, and group discussions will support participants in the creation of lesson plans and teaching philosophy statements. Students are required to attend all 6-modules: February 1, 8, 15, 22, and March 1 and 8. Graduates will earn Associate-level Certification in the CIRTL network at the completion of this seminar. The seminar will be delivered synchronously and asynchronously using Zoom and Canvas. Once registered, the facilitators will send you Canvas and Zoom details. By registering, you are agreeing to participate in each session of the seminar series. Find more information on TLI Workshop Registration There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.
UT CIRTL Seminar Series: Facilitating Undergraduate Evidenced-Based Learning This 6-module seminar prepares graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to effectively teach at the undergraduate-level. Modules will introduce participants to evidence-based teaching strategies, learning communities, teaching as research, and learning through diversity. Readings, reflections, and group discussions will support participants in the creation of lesson plans and teaching philosophy statements. Students are required to attend all 6-modules, 2-4 pm eastern: October 18, 25, and November 1, 8, 15, and 29. Graduates will earn Associate-level Certification in the CIRTL network at the completion of this seminar. This seminar is planned to be held in person and will use the Canvas LMS. Online participation may be necessary depending on enrollment. Once registered, the facilitators will send you Canvas and meeting location information. By registering, you are agreeing to participate in each session of the seminar series. Find more information on TLI Workshop Registration There are no scheduled workshop times. Contact us for more info.