Office of Ombuds Services Workshop Descriptions (Summary)
Featured Workshop
0-Getting Unstuck: Intro to Ombuds' Services

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What IS an ombuds and how can they help me "get unstuck" with challenges and conflicts I face at UT?

The Office of Ombuds Services helps to empower graduate students, staff, and faculty to navigate challenges related to their experiences at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. In this interactive session, participants will be introduced to a range of free services from the Office of Ombuds Services, our perspectives on conflict as a tool for innovation, and our key approaches to navigating challenging situations.

No challenge too small or too big - we are here to help!

This presentation will also include scenarios of typical challenges brought to the Ombuds, the standards & ethics we follow, and how to access our consultation, mediation, and educational services. 15 minutes reserved for Q&A in this session.

Session Zoom link sent to those registered the day before.
Questions or need accommodations? Email us at

Featured Workshop
1-Psychological Safety: Self-Assessment & Strategies (all times eastern)

Sorry, there are no scheduled times for this workshop. Contact us for more info.

***Next Offered Mar 27 @1:30pm ET***

Have you ever felt afraid to speak up or share your ideas for fear of repercussions or causing conflict? Do you feel uncomfortable expressing or being yourself in the workplace? Are you concerned about staff or peers who have expressed similar concerns? You are not alone!

In this virtual session, you will discuss the importance of psychological safety in open and honest workplace communication, take steps to self-assess your own psych safety needs, and learn strategies to engage in respectful dialogue with peers about increasing psych safety in the workplace. Topics include: workplace culture, belonging, interpersonal risk-taking, compassionate dialogue, and the effects of increased psychological safety on workplace effectiveness and innovation. This interactive workshop includes self-reflection, breakout discussion, and action planning activities.

Session Zoom link sent to those registered the day before.
Questions or need accommodations? Email us at

Featured Workshop
2-CDP - Understanding your Conflict Dynamics (all times eastern)

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**Registration is closed. Next offered Fall 2025.**
You may also request this workshop for your dept, unit, or group on your preferred date using the Ombuds Workshop or Outreach Session Request form.

Have you felt uncomfortable in conflict? Feel like you want to lash out or avoid the situation altogether?

Most people would say yes, but conflict doesn't have to lead to destructive outcomes. In fact, many conflicts—when managed well—can lead you and others to growth, innovation, and improvement.

This 90-minute workshop is designed to enhance your personal ability to navigate conflict. You will learn about both helpful and unhelpful behaviors in conflict as well specific "hot buttons" that tend to draw out destructive behaviors. This online interactive session provides both in-depth information as well as an interactive reflection on your Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) assessment results.

Registration Closes Feb 28, 2025 .

Once registration closes, registrants will receive an email invitation to take the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) self-assessment surveyfor free.

Questions or need accommodations? Email us at

Featured Workshop
3-Dignity: A Key to Constructive Conflict Management (all times eastern)

Sorry, there are no scheduled times for this workshop. Contact us for more info.

**Next offered IN-PERSON on March 27, 2025 from 11:30-1pm at Hodges Library.**
REGISTER via this "Thoughtful Thursday" link

What is Dignity and how does it relate to communication & conflict? We all have an inherent value (dignity) that drives our need to matter and belong. Attending to feelings and experiences of dignity is crucial to building relationships of trust and mutual understanding. Violations of dignity are often the root cause of anger, resentment, mistrust, and destructive conflict.

In this session, you will explore the importance of dignity in workplace relationships; discuss how to honor dignity & avoid violations; and strategize ways to uphold the dignity of yourself and others. This interactive workshop includes self-reflection, breakout discussion, and action planning activities.

o Understand human dignity as an inherent value and vulnerability at the core of how we find a sense of mattering and belonging in a community.
o Examine beliefs and behaviors that honor dignity as well as those that can harm our own dignity and that of others.
o Apply these concepts to university workplace scenarios.
o Create an action plan for increasing dignity-consciousness to your own workplace interactions.

Session Zoom link sent to those registered the day before.
Questions or need accommodations? Email us at

Featured Workshop
4-Creating a Dignity-Conscious Work Environment (all times eastern)

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***Next Offered April 24 @12:30-2pm ET***

~ Now that you've explored honoring dignity, what next? How can you build your dignity consciousness?
~ How can you support others around you in their efforts to avoid temptations to harm dignity?
~ How can you begin to create a workplace that believes in each person's inherent self-worth?

Based in Donna Hicks' Leading with Dignity: How to create a culture that brings out the best in people (2018), this session will briefly summarize key concepts of dignity* and ask you to share your recent efforts in developing your dignity-consciousness. We will then focus on six strategies for fostering the dignity-consciousness of others in campus settings. Topics include: fostering a growth mindset, modeling vulnerability, activating empathy, cultivating trust, & taking responsibility as a leader. This interactive workshop includes self-reflection, breakout discussion, and action planning activities.

We will use breakout rooms for discussion and practice; access to microphone and camera recommended. Attendance via phone not recommended.

*Highly recommended pre-requisite: Completion of ombuds' DS- Dignity: A Key to Conflict Management workshop, or having read either of Donna Hicks' books on dignity (at least chapters 1-3 of Leading with Dignity)

Questions or need accommodations? Email us at

Featured Workshop
5-Creating a More Psychologically Safe Working Environment (all times eastern)

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***Next Offered April 29 @1:30-3pm ET***

~ Having explored your own psychological safety needs & reactions, what next?
~ How can you support others in your workplace to improve their own feelings of psychological safety?
~ What can you do to create workplace change that strengthens psychological safety for all?

We believe all team members can support and lead efforts to create a more psychological safe working environment. This session will briefly summarize key concepts of psychological safety* and ask you to share your recent efforts in strengthening psychological safety at work. We will then examine key strategies for creating a more psychologically safe working environment. Topics include: appreciative listening, clarifying shared expectations & purpose; pro-active inquiry; destigmatizing failure; modeling inclusivity; & continuous renewal.

This interactive workshop includes self-reflection, breakout discussion, and action planning activities. We will use breakout rooms for discussion and practice; access to microphone and camera recommended. Attendance via phone not recommended.

*Highly recommended pre-requisite - EITHER
- Completion of the Working Together in Psychological Safety: Discussions on Belonging ombuds workshop,
- READ this article: Radecki, D. (2019) Stress Reaction. Association for Talent Development, Vol.73 (9), p.40-45. Available through the UT Knoxville library to logged in users. Contact ombudsed@utk.eduBY THE DAY BEFORE if you need but cannot access this article.

Session Zoom link sent to those registered the day before.
Questions or need accommodations? Email us at

Featured Workshop
6-Intro to Crucial Conversations for Accountability Add-on & the Employee Conflict Navigators Certificate program

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For those holding a Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue certificate, this is a 45-60 minute overview of both:

  • our Crucial Conversations for Accountabilty Add-on (CCA) intensive workshop (8 hours over 3 weeks), and
  • our Employee Conflict Navigators (ECN) Certificate program.
Plan for an interactive 30 minute presentation with at least 15 minutes for Q&A.

  • Building on CCMD concepts, this workshop takes a deeper dive into accountability conversation skills for closing the gap between expectations and performance. Not just for supervisors, this experience provides employees the skills to respectfully speak up when they see something, improving team performance. Video explanation & example.
  • The ECN Certificate program consists of 20 hours of workshops & follow-up coaching to develop participants communication, conflict management, and relationship-building skills. Open to all full-time employees with a NetID, previous completion of the CCMD workshop (12 hours) is a requirement of this program. More about Conflict Navigators.

While we strongly recommend those interested in CCA Add-on or ECN participate in this intro, it is not required. If you cannot attend one of these sessions and you have questions, make a 30-minute appointment to speak with the Ombuds Ed Coordinator or email

Featured Workshop
7-Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue - Reg deadline April 18, 2025

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Use this linked form to Register for this workshop - do not click the Join Waitlist button below. Registration deadline April 18, 2025.

Workshop will run from May 2- May 30, 2025, (initial pre-work sent May 2) with Zoom sessions on May 9, 16, 23, & 30 from 10:30am-12:00pm

A Crucial Conversation is a discussion between two or more people where the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. When conversations turn crucial, people tend to follow one of two ineffective paths: they either speak directly and abrasively to get the results they want but harm relationships, or they remain silent with the hope of preserving relationships only to sacrifice results. This intensive training builds skills for constructively engaging in conflict —rather than stepping over or around it— turning disagreement into dialogue.

Workshop details:

  • Held online over 4 weeks, participants will complete 1-2 hours of asynchronous online activities from Crucial Learning (~6 hours) prior to engaging in each of four 1.5-hour virtual discussion and skills practice sessions (6 hours via Zoom) for 12 total PD hours. More about CCMD training content.
  • Materials Cost: $318 online materials access fee per person. Consult with your unit/department/college for funding – this is typically paid via internal transfer through Campus Shared Services. Funding support available.

For next session, ALL virtual workshop activities take place in May. Plan to complete 1 hour of independent pre-work before the first scheduled Zoom session.

You must register for this training using the SEPARATE SPECIAL registration form (linked above and here):
Use this linked form to Register for this workshop - do not click the Join Waitlist button below.

Giving Feedback Well - Creating Safe Dialogue (all times eastern)

Sorry, there are no scheduled times for this workshop. Contact us for more info.

**Next offered Fall of 2025.**
You may also request this workshop for your dept, unit, or group on your preferred date using the Ombuds Workshop or Outreach Session Request form.

Are you frustrated with, or challenged by, giving feedback in the workplace?
Do you wish for more engagement in workplace feedback conversations?
Looking for strategies you can use to support others' growth and career success?
We can help!

In this 90-minute virtual session, you will examine the complexity and risks - to all parties- in giving workplace feedback. Framing feedback discussions as a dialogue with both parties giving and receiving, we will discuss your role in building trust and a sense of safety for receivers. We will examine effective communication strategies within these dialogues, such as: clarifying purpose, focusing on facts vs stories, seeking first to understand, communicating intent, and common pitfalls in communication. Participants will practice strategies for starting a safe and constructive feedback conversation and create a plan for improving their workplace feedback experiences. This interactive workshop includes self-reflection, breakout discussion, and action planning activities.

During this virtual session, we will use breakout rooms for discussion and practice; access to microphone and camera recommended. Attendance via phone not recommended for virtual sessions.

Session Zoom link sent to those registered the day before.
Questions or need accommodations? Email us at

Intro to Crucial Conversations & the Employee Conflict Navigators Certificate program

Sorry, there are no scheduled times for this workshop. Contact us for more info.

This is a 45-60 minute overview of both:

  • our Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue (CCMD) intensive workshop (12 hours over 5 weeks), and
  • our Employee Conflict Navigators (ECN) Certificate program.
Plan for an interactive 30 minute presentation with at least 15 minutes for Q&A.

Session Zoom link:

  • CCMD is a 12 hour virtual hybrid workshop that builds skills for constructively engaging in challenging conversations —rather than stepping over or around them. This intensive course outlines proven processs and strategies for turning disagreement (or avoidance) into constructive dialogue.
  • The ECN Certificate program consists of 20 hours of workshops & follow-up coaching to develop participants communication, conflict management, and relationship-building skills. Open to all full-time employees with a NetID, all participants are required to complete the CCMD workshop (12 hours) as part of this program. More about Conflict Navigators.

While we strongly recommend those interested in CCMD or ECN participate in this intro, it is not required. If you cannot attend one of these sessions and you have questions, make a 30-minute appointment to speak with the Ombuds Ed Coordinator or email

Receiving Feedback Well: Crafting a Constructive Response

Sorry, there are no scheduled times for this workshop. Contact us for more info.

***Next Offered Fall of 2025***
You may also request this workshop for your dept, unit, or group on your preferred date using the Ombuds Workshop or Outreach Session Request form.

Do you find receiving workplace feedback a challenging experience?
Are you comfortable requesting and holding feedback dialogues?
What strategies do you use to advocate for your career goals and needs?
If receiving feedback is unpleasant, frustrating, or simply missing in your workplace experiences, you are not alone!

Join us for a 90-minute virtual session where we will discuss the receiver’s role in fostering constructive feedback experiences. During this session you will:

  • Examine your current reactions and responses in different types of feedback situations.
  • Learn strategies for engaging in constructive feedback dialogue to strengthen relationships, improve performance, and foster personal growth.
  • Make a plan to advocate for your professional goals as part of feedback dialogue.
Topics include: fostering a growth mindset, managing emotions, setting SMART goals, and planning for regular feedback dialogue. This interactive workshop includes self-reflection, breakout discussion, and action planning activities.

For virtual sessions, we will use breakout rooms for discussion and practice; access to microphone and camera recommended. Attendance via phone not recommended for virtual sessions.

Questions or need accommodations? Email us at

Speaking Up: Communicating More Assertively - EW series (all times eastern)

Sorry, there are no scheduled times for this workshop. Contact us for more info.

**Next offered Fall of 2025.**
You may also request this workshop for your dept, unit, or group on your preferred date using the Ombuds Workshop or Outreach Session Request form.

Struggling with how to effectively assert your needs, opinions, and boundaries?
Worried you'll sound rude? Or may not be firm or clear enough?
Don’t know how to say “this is not OK with me” or feel guilty when you do?

During this virtual session in the Empowered Workforce series we will:

  • Explore a continuum of communication styles
  • Discuss the benefits of assertive communication
  • Examine common barriers to communicating assertively
  • Share specific verbal and non-verbal strategies for communicating clearly, respectfully, and assertively
Our goal is to empower you to honestly communicate what you think, feel, and want in a way that honors dignity and contributes to psychological safety.

We will use breakout rooms for discussion and practice; access to microphone and camera recommended. Attendance via phone not recommended.

Session Zoom link sent to those registered the day before.
Questions or need accommodations? Email us at